Thursday, February 2, 2012

First Blog

This is my first blog...I am now using this to way out the investments I see, and to determine what looks appealing in the different industries in the stock market.  I am not what you would call an experienced investor but I enjoy throwing ideas to paper (or blog) and allowing myself to understand the logic behind different investment decisions.  The material on this site might be worthless to you or might be useful, either way I will try to make it entertaining for myself and allow myself a way to judge the market.  My predictions might not always be accurate but when I see value in something I will try and evaluate why others tend to be so down on it.  I will also post information I see as important and copy articles that I deem necessary.  This is a great way to help me understand why the market does what it does and if you have any commentary that you think is helpful feel free to email me or comment.

PS. These articles will not always be grammatically correct and I don't intend for them to be.  I will be putting my writing to blog quickly and do not intend to reread all of my thoughts.  Whether anyone reads this or not it will allow me to have a personal reflection on the market!

Richard Foxcroft

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